My tenancy has ended and I’m moving out, what happens next? (summed up)

If all tenants are leaving the property:

Tenancy end date

Please contact us to let us know the date your tenancy agreement ends. We may request a copy of your tenancy agreement to confirm when your tenancy ends.

Final meter readings

Please provide accurate final meter readings from your gas and electricity meters so we can work out how much energy you've used.

Returning your router

If you’ve got Glide broadband, please ensure you post the router back to:

Glide Returns
1 First Avenue
Maybrook Business Park
B76 1BA 

Account closure

When leaving Glide, we'll issue a final statement (an account closure) within 6 weeks, this will show your final balance based upon your usage along with returning your deposit to you.

If you don't provide final meter readings, we'll close your account on estimated reads which may be higher than your actual readings. It's always best to take final meter readings when you move out.

Final balances

If your account closes in debit, we'll issue you a payment plan in the normal way.

If your account closes in credit, all you need to do is provide us with a valid UK bank details so that we can repay you. You can provide this information securely through your online portal.

If your account is in credit but one or more of the other tenants has a debit balance that hasn't been paid, please ask the other tenants to pay their debit balances so we can process your credit.